The return of the LVS blog.
Published Thursday, January 17, 2008 by Daniel | E-mail this post
Today I had an exam, and (relatively) fresh from that fiasco I thought it best to follow George's lead and have a bit of a blog. So here I am, it's 2008; a year for getting things done, for not procrastinating as much as in 2007 (a prime number year, noted for lacking productivity). Why then am I here on blogger thinking of hot steaming truth nuggets for the avid LVS-reader instead of revising (another exam tomorrow see)?
My life since my last post in a few short sentences. I got through the mess of exams with the aid of good beer and better friends, I graduated with a 2.1 in Pharmacology in July 2007; more beer. I got offers from medical schools, decided on which school to go to, spent a month temping for the NHS (bringing it down from the inside ... payroll-wise) and the better part of a month in France (Oui!) I arrived back in the UK in August and returned to London in September only to be confronted with a very early start of term; I started learning the business of doctoring, loved it then gradually learned to hate it. Since my last post I have bought three new pairs of jeans, five shirts, one suit, one diary, a packet of plasters and a clock from Ikea that doesn't work. I have dressed as a ghostbuster once and have almost dressed as a rubix cube once. I have learned to etch-a-sketch and have given up the voluntary work that used to fill so many hours of my time ... I have failed to buy my very own British tea power mug.
I am the only London Village Show team member (of George and I) left in London Village. I hope to be considered the Pepys of my generation, though I sign off this first entry with suitably low expectations. D
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